Alex’s Halloween party

My granddaughter wanted to have a Halloween party for her and her cousin Kaity before they went trick-or-treating. We looked at loads of pictures and ideas on the internet and she picked out a few of her favorites. We made a list of stuff to get and I got the ingredients and some party supplies.


All the party stuff is ready to go and Alex is dressed as a pirate!


There were monster toe cookies with bloody toe jam sauce, which was actually supposed to be witch’s fingers made with store bought cookie dough and whole almonds brushed with strawberry jam but they spread out when baked and became monster toes. There were monster mouths, made with cut apple, almond slices and fruit leather. There were orange pumpkins make from peeled oranges with apple flavored licorice for stems.


There were spider eggs made from deviled eggs and cut up extra large black olives. Except I found them to fiddly and tedious and made some of them into bat eggs.


There were Hot Dog Mummies made from crescent roll dough and chicken dogs cut in half. With Spiderweb Sauce, which was actually ketchup with mustard on top.


Rotting Dead Man’s Hands Bloody Punch made with a can of fruit cocktail in juice that was frozen into a pair of rubber gloves to make the hands, frozen concentrate fruit punch and sparkling water mixed up to made the punch itself.


Chocolate with Chocolate Frosting & Pumpkin with Cream Cream Cheese Frosting Cupcakes (recipe in my next post).


There was snacking and drinking…


Drinking and snacking…


Cupcakes were devoured!


Then there was trick-or-treating and a fun time was had by all!

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