

I’m moving to a new home in a few days! My husband and I have rented an apartment and we are looking forward to the day after everything is moved, unpacked and put away… it would just be a flat out lie if I said I was looking forward to moving, no one likes the actual moving part!

The apartment is good sized and has a better than average apartment kitchen, in regards to size and storage… Though I’ll have to get used to an electric/coil heat style stove… I’ve not used one in over 20 years!

We’ve purchased a crap load of new stuff for our new place, including new furniture and kitcheny stuffs. It was really fun shopping and ordering new things but we’ve also not seen our old things in a few years… yup, YEARS! So unpacking that stuff will be nearly as exciting as the new stuff.

There is a lot of stuff to be done so I’ll post again after the move.

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