So, I’m driving to work on Halloween and…

It’s still dark when I go to work, I left late that day. It was just before dawn and I was on a two-way road with two lanes on each side and a turn lane in the middle. I’m going around this long curving part of the road where you can’t see until you get mostly around and BAM a freakin deer jumps on the hood of my car!
Seriously, a big ol buck leapt off the top of a hill onto the hood of my car, and apparently walked away! My hood popped up and I couldn’t see anything. There was no oncoming traffic and only once car in the other lane that just drove on past. I managed to make it to the side of the road and make the necessary calls.
Lucky for me, I was fine. Not hurt at all. The worst thing was my palms and elbows hurt from an unexpected impact but it was only a vague sensation that passed after a few days. My car however, was totaled.
Lucky for me I have good insurance. The had the car towed to my home, the assessor came with in a few days. My claim was approved immediately, and my car was paid off all in just a week! So, I went out and bought a new car immediatly.

Now, it was my intention to buy exactly the same car. Same make/model/color, same everything. I went back to the same dealer and they had none. I nearly waited but then I tried the more luxurious version of my car and I liked it.

In October I had a blue Elantra and now in November I had a red Sonata. Crazy! I really liked that blue car. Really, really liked it. This red car is a better car, I do like it, but like I mentioned. I really liked that blue car.