So if you’ve read my first of the month post for September, you know I moved abruptly. If didn’t read it, then FYI I moved abruptly! I moved to a larger apartment in the same complex. Although the patio at this new place is the same size and shape, it was nothing but rocks and hard lumpy dirt. The person who lived here before had large planters covering the entire dirt area, and it was peppered with rocks for drainage. My other patio had things already growing and I planted flowers and other things right into the ground. So I am not only starting from scratch, I’ve got a lot of work to do to make this patio garden look nice. I have no intention of starting until the Spring of next year, so my plans for two more patio garden posts is out. I’m looking forward to next year’s garden though! Oh, and yes, yes that is a plastic crow.
My Patio Garden 2016 – II of III & III of III
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So it's 4 down and 8 to go! This year is flying by and I can't seem to keep up...
Although, I...
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So what does March 2016 hold? If I had to guess I'd say more crazy weather, confused plants, sto...