To be perfectly honest, I don’t believe in New Year Resolutions. I used to make them when I was very young, but I rarely ever followed through. I even did that sealed envelope thing where you write down your resolutions on Jan 1st, seal them in an envelope, then open it on Dec 31st. Except I forgot about it and lost the envelope.
To be perfectly honest, I don’t believe in New Year Resolutions. I used to make them when I was very young, but I rarely ever followed through. I even did that sealed envelope thing where you write down your resolutions on Jan 1st, seal them in an envelope, then open it on Dec 31st. Except I forgot about it and lost the envelope.
Now, many years later I know that simply saying I will change in some way because it is a new year is an empty gesture. Why make empty gestures to myself? For the motivation? Nah, I’m far too stubborn to do anything because I said I would on the first of the year. The truth is I will do what I am going to do when I am damn good and ready to do it.
When I was ready to quit smoking, I did it. Over 30 years as a smoker, and I quit cold turkey because I was ready. It wasn’t a special day or a health scare, it wasn’t because someone begged or a doctor told me to. I quit because I didn’t want to smoke anymore. Don’t get me wrong, it was for health reasons. Just not “quit now or die in a month” type thing.
4-years later I wish I’d quit a long time ago. Ultimately it would have been better if I’d never started, but I did and I accept that it was part of who I was when I was younger.
As for present-day 2015, I’m glad I don’t reek of tobacco or better yet, I don’t make other people or things reek of tobacco! I don’t have the expense, the disgusting dirty smelly ashtrays to deal with, or the endless accidental ashing of carpets, clothes or furniture. Quitting has made my life less stinky, less messy and less expensive. Not to mention healthier, warmer and more productive.
I could easily lie, but I won’t. During the 4 years as a quitter, I did have a bit of a relapse. However, it did reinforce for me that I was happier staying a quitter.