I am hoping that this year I will feel “THE” holiday spirit. I did last year and it was wonderful. I just ignored all the commercialism and the “you must go shopping” bullshit. I made a “mixed tape” of only holiday songs I like, and spent time with family. I cooked and baked, I decorated the house, and I crammed a dozen people into my 1-bedroom apartment for Xmas Eve dinner! Yes, last year was lovely. We had our “door tree”, but this year I’d like a tree tree.
Yes, despite having furry little destroyers of all things festive, I am going to try and have a tree this year. It will be a fake one, because I know the cats would destroy a real one, or at the very least eat it and puke all over… hmmmm, I wonder if I sprinkle glitter on the puke while it’s still warm if I could make some decorations out of them? Just kidding! Or am I? Anyway… so plastic it is. But I don’t mind, I’ve not had a tree in many years and I’m looking forward to it. But that is a month away. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I’ve got food to make and stuff to do! Yes, I am one of those crazy people who waits until after Thanksgiving to celebrate Christmas. I don’t do Black Friday either. I find it absurd that anyone would stand in line all night in the freezing cold to save a few dollars. I’d rather be in my nice warm bed with my husband.
So, for the month of December I am going to do several recipes instead of just two, and post some pictures of our (hopefully non-cat-destroyed) tree.
Happy Thanksgiving!