I keep starting all my posts with how shocked I am that time has gone by so fast, but January 2020 went by really fast!
Most notably for me, I got a promoting at work. It was something I wanted, but didn’t think was going to happen. I’m really stoaked about it. It’s a company I believe in, and being a part of it really means sometihng to me. Happy, happy, happy!
I added several posts to this blog, last month. It felt good to be planning them and actually posting them instead of having them rattling around in my head or not posting because I didn’t have photos. Speaking of photos… Yikes! My photos kind of suck right now. I switched from my expencive camera to my even more expencive phone. It has a very good camera in it but I don’t seemt to have the hang of it, yet. I’m going to work on that!
Lastly, I’ve got some good stuff planed for this month’s posts. Please check back often.