Losing a pet is difficult, painful, and sad. It leaves a big void in your life and your heart. The chewed-up toys, the tufts of annoying fur on everything you own, and freely walking around with no one trying to dodge between your legs and trip you are suddenly things you miss. It never gets easier, and yet I am always willing to do it again. For me, pets are little pockets of time that I enjoy more than the pain of when the time ends.
We lost one of our dearly loved pets the night before last. He seemed fine last week, he started acting strangely a few days ago and we thought he hurt his leg, so we took him to the vet. The vet rushed some blood tests for us and then called that night to say he had cancer. He passed away in the middle of the night that night before we could bring him back to the vet. We are devastated, and I don’t know what else to day about it.
Chance was very unique, I can honestly say I’ve never known another cat like him, and I doubt I ever will. We had a lot of good years with this little guy and we will remember him, and miss him forever.