So what does March 2016 hold? If I had to guess I’d say more crazy weather, confused plants, stores overflowing with holiday candies and stuffed rabbits. Plus, if you’re in the U.S. then you get Pi Day (3.14). Ya, that crazy date thing works to our advantage sometimes!
Me personally, I’ll be planning my patio garden for this year, celebrating my husband’s birthday (the big four-O!), and getting my hair cut by my (fingers crossed) newly licensed niece (Newly licensed to cut hair, not be my niece).
As far as my blog goes, I’ve got a few Easter-in-mind recipes, including my favorite fruitcake. I’ve also got a fun party favor craft, as well as a surprise news type thing… ah no, I’m not pregnant. Geez, you and your weird guesses!
So I look forward to all this stuff and sharing posts with you!